Feb 15, 2015 - Answer 8: Latest DoD Certificates are needed, download and install them here. Answer 9.1: Go to: from this link. Per the SecArmy memo, the following exceptions are in effect: •The United States Military Academy (USMA), in support of the academic and cadet development mission will use CHESS as the required source of supply.

Army Portals use a certificate to identify itself to its users and to enable secure connections. If you are receiving a warning that this site is un-trusted / insecure, you will need to install the 'DoD Certificate.'

To download the DoD Certificates,

i. Go to https://eportal.ctnosc.army.mil/ .
ii. Enter your AKO username and password.
iii. Select the link labeled DoD Root Certificate at the top.
iv. Click the link for Install Root V2.18.A and save the file to your desktop.
v. After the file has completely downloaded, go to your desktop and click on the InstallRoot2.18A file then follow the directions.

Install dod certificates

Install Dod Certificates Windows 10

Referred from: http://myarmybenefits.us.army.mil/Home/Help/FAQs.html
Source: http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/InternetExplorer/thread/f2259c02-ec81-4624-89fc-2f599c2075ac

Army webmail certificate download

Recent, related discussion: http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/InternetExplorer/thread/6216fb01-32fd-4cb6-add4-768e95b2989c

Start here: http://dodpki.c3pki.chamb.disa.mil/rootca.html

Dod root certificates download

Also make certain your time, date & time-zone settings are all correct.

Download Dod Certificates

[Last Revised - 25 August 2011, 04:55 UTC]