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Learning Cinematography: 1 Narrative Fundamentals Download TorrentLearning cinematography: 1 narrative fundamentals download torrent software

Learning Cinematography: 1 Narrative Fundamentals Download Torrent Download

  • Duration:2h 44m 29s
  • Skill Level:Beginner
  • Released:September 30, 2016
  • Viewers:20,011

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  • Course details

    Creative decision making lies at the core of great filmmaking. To shoot a movie, you need to understand how the equipment works, but more importantly, you need to know how the choices you make—composition, exposure, lighting, etc.—impact the way the audience sees the film. The Cinematography series with Bill Dill covers the basics you need to shoot a modern motion picture and tell stories in the most powerful way possible. Part 1 concentrates on narrative filmmaking: creating a world from scratch, using a script. Bill, an ASC cinematographer and professor of film and media arts at Chapman University, introduces the techniques that professional filmmakers use to maintain the illusion of reality in the middle of an otherwise artificial world.
    Follow along and learn the fundamentals required to shoot a story with a camera. Learn how to plan your production, assemble a crew, choose the right camera and lenses, and make creative choices that best fit the themes, characters, and story of your film. Bill covers the elements of composition, exposure, optics, lighting, and camera movement. Part 2 (coming in November 2016) will show you how to put all these ideas together on set, and deliver the footage to an editor and director for assembly into a complete, coherent, and compelling story.

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  • Course Transcript

    (upbeat music) - Hi, I'm Bill Dill, ASC Cinematographer and welcome to my foundations course on narrative film cinematography. Combining my love for cinematography, and technical expertise, I'll take you through the basic concepts you'll need to create your own narrative film as a cinematographer. First, I'll touch on a brief history on the motion picture. I'll talk about the importance of pre-production planning and why this is necessary before you even think about touching a camera. Next, we'll take a look the principles of visual storytelling. Then, we'll investigate the elements of composition in motion pictures. And how that differs from still photography. I'll discuss keeping the audience oriented in the fictional world you've created and how to convey which characters are driving your scenes. Next, I'll discuss some digital camera options and how to record, compress, and store your media once you've completed your shoot. We'll go through choices in optics, and explore the…

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Learning Cinematography: 1 Narrative Fundamentals Download Torrent Free

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Learning Cinematography: 1 Narrative Fundamentals Download Torrent Pdf